Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Night Out With my Mom

This happened this past summer. We know by now I am notorious for late posting.
Hey, I had an AMAZING night with my mom. We were both swaying and hungry and we went out to eat. At the counter, my mom tried to speak French which confused me because she only knows Spanish and confused the host because we were in a middle eastern restaurant. The hilarity ensued from there and included me inadvertently charming my way into some free hummus by ending the whole "sit anywhere/oh we don't care where" discussion by me saying "we are sitting here, and food is good and I apologize for our manner but I at least haven't eaten since noon" (it was 8pm)
he smiled and said he understood then loudly exclaimed on his way to the kitchen for the usual free bread that "these ladies are hungry and must be fed"  that's when he came back with the pitas and free hummus, told us it was on the house and said please eat something. He was so friendly and we were just having a good time with the wait staff and I was making my mom laugh and when she did I KNOW they heard it from across the restaurant and went oh yes, that lady.
At the end of the meal, the manager came up and complimented me on my smile and eyes as they all do, I told him how wonderful the staff and the meal was. On the way home I told my mom about the game show idea I had when I was living in the dorms this past semester. You have to guess the students major based on their google search history and sort through the ones that are like does dr Phil have a therapy license and damp men, to find the more relevant searches of the mating habits of dragonflies (zoology) and structure of methamphetamine (organic chemistry). (the search of Damp men was an unfortunate attempt by my roommate to find out if guys also had wet T-shirt contests, a google image search she made on my other roommate's phone and did not, in fact, yield the results she was anticipating).
This is the end of the post.
I hope you're laughing because I sure was.

My Next Adventure

I am writing this not only to update my two readers on my upcoming journey but to test out this new Linux laptop. I am indifferent to it at the moment. It is heavy and bulky and I really wish I had something smaller to travel with. ANYWAY, I am going to be studying abroad in Costa Rica for 89 days. hopefully, they'll let me through customs with my departure date so close to the expiration of the 90-day tourist visa. well, we will find out I guess. The last time I went through customs was in Peru and I had taken an orange with me on the plane for a snack, I was however motion sick and did not eat the orange. there as also no trash can in which I could dispose of said orange on the way to the customs line. when I reached the guy who was stamping my passport I showed the orange and he was like whatever the next guy will take it from you. then I went to the person standing next to the baggage claim and was like, 
"Hey, I know I can't take this into the country, who do I give it to?" and he responded,
"YOU CAN'T BRING THAT INTO THE COUNTRY GIVE IT TO THOSE GUYS!" and I politely replied thank you and went in the direction he was pointing. A lady there saw my orange and said, "YOU CAN'T BRING THAT INTO THE COUNTRY GIVE IT TO ME!" and I was like, 
"YES PLEASE THANKYOU- I KNOW- I AM TRYING TO GET RID OF IT" except the caps, in this case, are my wide-anxiety filled eyes and not me yelling, just talking in a frantic voice and long story short that's how I got a receipt from the Peruvian government for an Orange that they confiscated from me at the border. At least I didn't get felt up like on my way out of Frankfurt, Germany. Whee.